Martha Haffter: Eine Schweizer Künstlerin zwischen Peripherie und Paris

Monica Seidler-Hux


55.00 €

About the book


  • ISBN: 978-3-7165-1877-9
  • Pages: 336
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Published: 9/2023
  • Illustrations: 390 images
  • Dimensions: 24 x 28 cm

An femals artist's life in the struggle between tradition and modernity

The painter Martha Haffter (1873-1951) lived an unconventional life in two extremely contrasting worlds for almost four decades: on the one hand in neat Frauenfeld in Thurgau, her Swiss  hometown and her landscape, on the other hand in Paris, the place of her education, and where she was inspired throughout her life. She joined that other modernism which, apart from avant-gardism, cultivated a poetic realist painting and sought to translate her immediate living environment into paintings of quiet grandeur and inwardness.

Despite a lifetime of productivity and popularity, she fell into obscurity soon after her death, a fate shared with her by numerous more conservative and moderately modern artists. It is time to present Martha Haffter's wonderful visual worlds to the general public in a scholarly and richly illustrated publication. This monograph on the occasion of her 150th birthday shows what it meant around 1900 when a bourgeois daughter wanted to make painting her profession, how the artist developed her very own style, which subjects she devoted herself to, and how her art was received and judged over the years.


Monica Seidler-Hux

Monica Seidler-Hux studied art history and German language and literature at the University of Zurich. She worked for many years as a museum educationalist at the Kunstmuseum Thurgau, as a cultural journalist and editor, and has been a research assistant in the manuscript department of the Zurich Central Library since 2015.

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