Chüe, Härdöpfel & Heugümper
Schweizer Landwirtschaft 4.0.
Scott Haas
38.00 €
About the book
- ISBN: 978-3-7165-1881-6
- Pages: 160
- Binding: Hardcover
- Release: 3/2025
- Illustrations: 45
- Dimensions: 19 x 23 cm
Forget about Heidi!
Economically and politically, psychologically and in some respects spiritually, Switzerland's identity is linked to agriculture in many ways. Even the constitution guarantees support for farms regardless of the ruling party or coalition. Scott Haas addresses the current situation in the countryside beyond backward-looking romanticization and pessimistic gloom and doom.
In his book, he presents protagonists who are treading new paths to master the real challenges of today. These are farmers from a wide variety of sectors who have managed to think through the problems constructively and find solutions that represent an interplay of improvisation, science, pragmatism and experience. Their models work economically and ecologically and have the potential to be adapted and applied worldwide.